Malayalam Superstar Mamooty reveals that he is currently engaged on an exciting production. Titled Kazcha: The Vision and set around the backwaters of Kuttanad in Kerala, it is all about “humanism, sympathy, empathy and love”, the Superstar tells us in an exclusive.
The story, we learn, takes the cast and the crew all the way to Gujarat for one segment of filming, for the theme is about the displacement that the victims of the 2001 earthquake in Bhuj faced. A local film projector operator(played by Mamooty) in Kuttanad encounters a good-looking vagabond boy in tattered clothing. He is moved by the boy’s plight but is unable to understand the language he speaks. The operator and his family take the boy into their home and what follows in the rest of the film, is a search for the boy’s parents in his ravaged homeland.
“I am here at the shooting spot and I can imagine what happened,” Mamooty tells us on the phone from Anjaar in Gandhidham, Gujarat, “I can see that what was once a village has now been rebuilt into a small township by all those who have come to offer aid.”
The film, that co-stars Bangalore-based model and actor Padmapriya, reveals Mamooty, is being shot commercially, but without some of the “unnecessary” commercial ingredients. Shot on DTS, all actors have been handpicked from theatre, we learn.
“The people here are looking forward…” Mamooty says, “They seem to have recovered from the tragedy and are displaying optimism and a positive outlook to the future.” The actor is happy that he is sinking his teeth into yet another meaty role and thinks that this portrayal may just be another award-winning one.
But accolades aside, he admits that the role has taught him many, many things and has helped him to look at life from another perspective. “That of love and compassion. The projector operator and his family love the boy and want to adopt him… but they cannot for they cannot find the necessary details of who he is and where he is from.”
If that sounds like a depressing ending, Mamooty reassures us by ending on a cheerful note, “Though they cannot adopt him and they leave him behind, the film ends on a positive and uplifting feeling…” That’s why perhaps, the film’s tagline says: Edge of Love.
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