Did you expect to be made to head the STF by the new government?
I am thrilled by the appointment, but at the same time, I knew I would get the chance.
Are you going to reconstitute the STF?
I have already asked for volunteers. Basic training is enough. All you need is guts. Stamina. And a willingness to rough it out. You have to live off the forest, like Veerappan does.
Do you think Veerappan could have been easily caught before?
Yes, the day Rajkumar was released, if they had entered the forest, within twelve hours they could have caught Veerappan. That was an opportunity missed.
Your posting here has been quite controversial...
No controversy, what controversy?
Tribals living around the forest area have protested against your appointment as head of STF.
There are some front organisations at work here. From ’93 to ’94, I was in charge of the operation. Even if there were allegations of human right violations, how do they crop up only last year? After seven years? It is only after the TNLA joined Veerappan that such allegations have been brought out.
But it has become an issue now, after your appointment as STF chief.
They will try to deter me, but CM has reposed faith in me. She said I will have to do the job. I will do it.
You have said, it will be an “all out” operation.
Yes, it will be an all out operation. The only thing, is that after the five-year gap, we will have to start from scratch.
Will you being using high tech surveillance equipment?
Hi-tech equipment is not necessary. From a helicopter, you can see only a canopy of trees and Veerappan will certainly be alerted.
Do you see this as a personal challenge?
See, I have a responsibility to the dead. People have lost lives under me in the Veerappan operation. All their sacrifices should not go in vain.
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